Lets give it a try

Wassup! Today I learnt how to make a gif once more time. Using GOM player and Photoscape. Actually I want to use adobe photoshop but I don't have it and I tried to search the crack photoshop but failed. Whoever know where to find free photoshop feel free to tell me. HEHE. First I thought that photoshop cost only a hundred but actually it THOUSAND . What....?? Better I just use that money to buy Iphone 5s.

But its okey, now I know how to make gif using photoscape is good enough. I give it try. I use video Just One Day by BTS (kpop) . I fangirly kpop. LOL . I love this scene. HEHE

The Liebster Award

Good Morning!
The Liebster award, its a new thing for me, but thank to FiFie FeyCa for tagging me as one of her nominate. HEHE. Okay, I'll try to answer her question. Lets get going!

1. Lagu yang mengambarkan perasaan anda sekarang
Truly Madly Deeply by Savage Garden

2. Cerita yang mengambar kehidupan anda sekarang
 Hmm, xpasti la. HEHE.

3. 5 menda/perkara yang sangat2 penting dalam hidup anda
1. God 2. Family 3. Him 4. Friends 5. Gadgets (hp & laptop)

4. 5 menda/perkara yang boleh buat anda rasa bahagia sangat
1. God 2.Family 3. Him 4. Myself 5.Him (ada berulang ek?)

5. 5 menda/perkara yang boleh buat anda lost atau hilang tumpuan/fokos dalam hidup
1.Him 2.Gadgets 3.friends 4.myself 5.myself 

6. 5 cara anda mengatasi masalah hilang fokos dalam hidup
hmm. Never try to. I'll always let it be. HEE

7. 5 cara anda mengatasi kurang keyakinan pada diri sendiri
1st: Think positive
2nd: Challenge myself
3rd: Try something new
4th: Communicate with people
5th: Overcome with more positive life.

8.Pernah jatuh cinta? Bila? Bagaimana? Cecite.. J
I'm 19 years old and in this age of course. Love? I like many boys and couple many time but if I only consider I fallen in love 2 times. The real LOVE. When? During form 4, my first love and second last year, (2013) during Foundation. How? I think its gonna be a very long page so can I skip that? HAHA

9. 5 Ciri-ciri pasangan pilihan anda? Opss.. nak tau jgk,, J
Well, as long as he care, think about me and love me ONLY. Simple, x cukup 5. Sorry.

10. Pada pendapat anda tentang blog  Fifie Feyca? ce komen sikit.
Your blog is simple and tidy. 

11. Pada pendapatan anda, apa yang perlu ditambah baik dalam blog Fifie ni?
Its already pretty. :)

Okey! Done answering, sorry if my answer not complete. HEHE. Once again THANK YOU


Seriously I don't know what to do this holiday. 3 months. I think I should get a part time job first. Maybe at MCD or KFC or PIZZA HUT. At least I have my own pocket money. But I think, I should find it after GAWAI . Easier for me. Who knows, later, if I cannot get a day off on Gawai. but I should think about MPSAS, where I need to get my certificate as a Foundation students at UMS on 27 June. That mean I need to flight to Sabah. Actually, it not that compulsory, but when last time when I went back to Kuching, I got overweight luggage so I left one bag with friend of my friend so I need to get that back as soon as possible. I can leave that back until the holiday is over but, that friend not close with so I think better I get that back, soon.

During these two day, I just busy customize my blog so that it look tidy and a little bit pretty. Maybe my blog now is simple but I like simple than full of thingy. I keep thinking, other than my diary, what should I put in my blog? TUTORIAL? AHH, come on, I don't know. HAHAHA. Maybe my KPOP thingy? I should make my blog more interested though. More segment. Some MAKE STORY?

I should learn once more time how to make a gif video or image. Last time, I had learn but that so long ago and that software, is deleted.


I finish my study as a Foundation Science students at UMS this month. For me, it is a miracle when I get accepted in university Malaysia because my mom is a chinese. Thank to God that He heard my pray. I know He plan the best for me. I still remember my father's face when I told him I got accepted. I'm so happy because he happy. HEHE. But my first sem result a little bit disappointed and because of that result, I tried my best not to get a very low pointer for semester 2 and I did it. Once again I thank God for that.

 I got two close friends in Sabah and they are from Sabah. One of them is the first christian girl I met during registration. She is E, and the other one is roommate's E which is F. At first I got 3 roommates but one of them get accepted from another university, and the other one usually slept with her cousin. So I consider that I only have one roommate which is G but we in different class for semester 1 and 2 and she got her own close friend. We become a little bit close when we in sem 3.

I got another close friend but we become close after some program which call BTN. I know him because same group in laboratory. We become friend, and I don't know why we become more closer. He is E and unexpectedly, I like him DOTTED