The Liebster Award

Good Morning!
The Liebster award, its a new thing for me, but thank to FiFie FeyCa for tagging me as one of her nominate. HEHE. Okay, I'll try to answer her question. Lets get going!

1. Lagu yang mengambarkan perasaan anda sekarang
Truly Madly Deeply by Savage Garden

2. Cerita yang mengambar kehidupan anda sekarang
 Hmm, xpasti la. HEHE.

3. 5 menda/perkara yang sangat2 penting dalam hidup anda
1. God 2. Family 3. Him 4. Friends 5. Gadgets (hp & laptop)

4. 5 menda/perkara yang boleh buat anda rasa bahagia sangat
1. God 2.Family 3. Him 4. Myself 5.Him (ada berulang ek?)

5. 5 menda/perkara yang boleh buat anda lost atau hilang tumpuan/fokos dalam hidup
1.Him 2.Gadgets 3.friends 4.myself 5.myself 

6. 5 cara anda mengatasi masalah hilang fokos dalam hidup
hmm. Never try to. I'll always let it be. HEE

7. 5 cara anda mengatasi kurang keyakinan pada diri sendiri
1st: Think positive
2nd: Challenge myself
3rd: Try something new
4th: Communicate with people
5th: Overcome with more positive life.

8.Pernah jatuh cinta? Bila? Bagaimana? Cecite.. J
I'm 19 years old and in this age of course. Love? I like many boys and couple many time but if I only consider I fallen in love 2 times. The real LOVE. When? During form 4, my first love and second last year, (2013) during Foundation. How? I think its gonna be a very long page so can I skip that? HAHA

9. 5 Ciri-ciri pasangan pilihan anda? Opss.. nak tau jgk,, J
Well, as long as he care, think about me and love me ONLY. Simple, x cukup 5. Sorry.

10. Pada pendapat anda tentang blog  Fifie Feyca? ce komen sikit.
Your blog is simple and tidy. 

11. Pada pendapatan anda, apa yang perlu ditambah baik dalam blog Fifie ni?
Its already pretty. :)

Okey! Done answering, sorry if my answer not complete. HEHE. Once again THANK YOU


  1. miss i dont know.. thanks sudi jawab LA fifie.. oww penah jatuh cinta ye.. hehe!! thanks sudi cecite tu.. ^__^ keep in touch kayh... :)

  2. singgah sini tag awak
