
I finish my study as a Foundation Science students at UMS this month. For me, it is a miracle when I get accepted in university Malaysia because my mom is a chinese. Thank to God that He heard my pray. I know He plan the best for me. I still remember my father's face when I told him I got accepted. I'm so happy because he happy. HEHE. But my first sem result a little bit disappointed and because of that result, I tried my best not to get a very low pointer for semester 2 and I did it. Once again I thank God for that.

 I got two close friends in Sabah and they are from Sabah. One of them is the first christian girl I met during registration. She is E, and the other one is roommate's E which is F. At first I got 3 roommates but one of them get accepted from another university, and the other one usually slept with her cousin. So I consider that I only have one roommate which is G but we in different class for semester 1 and 2 and she got her own close friend. We become a little bit close when we in sem 3.

I got another close friend but we become close after some program which call BTN. I know him because same group in laboratory. We become friend, and I don't know why we become more closer. He is E and unexpectedly, I like him DOTTED

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